Thursday, 15 November 2012

Letter from America by Alistair Cooke

Letter from America by Alistair Cooke is a BBC website devoted to the weekly broadcasts  on American life, history and politics by correspondent Alistair Cook. Over 900 radio programmes, as broadcast on Radio 4 from 1946 – 2004 are available on the site, and searchable by date or a wide range of  themes such as Presidents, America and the world, entertainment and race.

Alistair Cooke (20.11.1908 – 30.03.2004) was a British journalist, television personality and broadcaster who reported from America for the BBC.  Besides his journalistic output, which included Letter from America and the television series Alistair Cooke's America, he was well known in the United States as the host of  Masterpiece Theater, broadcast on PBS from 1971 to 1992. Although he retired in 1992 he continued to present Letter from America until shortly before his death.

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