Monday, 25 July 2016

Box of Broadcasts (BoB) now available to staff & students at Coventry!

While archive materials (those predating 2007) and in house created materials will continue to be accessed through the Helix Media Library newer off-air recordings will be available through BoB National from 1st August.

BoB National is a shared online off-air TV and radio recording service for UK educational institutions. BoB enables all staff and students in subscribing organisations to choose and record any programme from 60+ TV & radio channels including 10 foreign language channels. Recordings are then added to the BoB media archive which currently holds over 1 million programmes, including all BBC TV and radio content dating from 2007, many with searchable transcripts. All recorded content is shared by users across subscribing institutions. 

Staff and students can record and catch-up on missed programmes on and off-campus up to 30 days after broadcast, schedule recordings in advance, edit programmes into clips, create playlists, embed clips into VLEs & share what they are watching with others.  BoB has Apple iOS compatibility making it accessible on smart phones & tablets. A single click citation reference allows you to cite programmes in your work.

You can find out more about BoB by viewing video tutorials on the BoB National site, or by contacting Jane Gibbs or Kevin Musson

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